Paying tribute and preserving Ozark folk culture.

​In memory of Gloria Taylor, longstanding member of the
Committee of One Hundred.
Lenore and Catherine Shoults
Kay and Jim Hinkle
​​In support of Music Roots.
Garry and Dee Carter
In memory of Rev. James Wilson Moore, 1797-1873
William Moore Hurst
In memory of Letitia King, longtime member of the Committee of One Hundred
Catherine Shoults
Lenore Shoults
Ramona Slick​​
Mary Vandiver
Susan Kemp
In honor of Tina Marie Wilcox
Patricia Kenny
In support of the Committee of One Hundred's nomination to the
Arkansas Women's Hall of Fame
Mountain View Area Chamber of Commerce
In memory of Chris Weems, longtime member of the Committee of One Hundred
Harriet Farley​
Susan Kemp
In support of Music Roots
Doug and Cathy Norwood
In memory of Craig Parsons
Anne Nowlin​
In memory of Wesley "Wes" Kent, in support of Music Roots.
Melody Miller-Standard
Martha Bennett
Winona Kent Emmons
Deborah Stinnett
Doug and Patty Lowe
Baylus East
Andrew C. Clarke
Tommy and Cynthia Capps
Weldon and Betty Sue Duncan
The Rackensack Folklore Society
Virginia and Thomas Sartain
Don C. Winters
Rita Drake
Ray and Barbara Hall
Joseph and Nancy Vergona
Whit and Nancy Fowlkes
Janice and Kenneth Sutton
Ronald and Karon Willis​
​With appreciation to Cherryl Haley​​
In memory of Dana Shaffer and Devona Mount who were both talented weavers.
This donation is in support of old time craft apprenticeships, with appreciation from,
Glenda Hershberger, Melody Conatser, and Martha Laster.
In support of Music Roots.
Garry and Dee Carter
In memory of Raye Rogers, longtime member of the Committee of One Hundred.
Mary Stroud Vandiver
Harriet Farley
In memory of John Franklin Morrow.
Condolences from the Committee of One Hundred.
In memory of Michael Babb.
Dr. Catherine Shoults and the Committee of One Hundred.
In memory of Phillip Rodney & Angalee Rushing for their contributions as educators,
local historians, and supporters of the Ozark Folk Center.
With love, Philip & Renee Carr.
In memory of Lynne Baum for the Music Roots Program.
From Tommy, Rhonda, Danny, Martha, Virginia, Alison, Eric, Jerry, Renee, Heath, Katie,
Vic, Pam, Grady, Sarah, Austin, and Whitney.
In memory of Leslie Howard Sutterfield.
From Leslie Shafer.
In honor of John Morrow.
From the Committee of One Hundred.
In appreciation for Dan Stewart's extraordinary talent.
Sponsored by Kenneth and Janice Sutton.
In memory of our mother and grandmother, Betty Stroud, and dear friend, Bess Wolf.
With love, Mary Vandiver and Mary Katherine Vandiver, 2nd and 3rd generation members.
In honor of Pam Setser, who has kept alive the old-time music of people
like Bookmiller Shannon.
Sponsored by a friend of old-time music.
This Legacy Photos is in honor of Joel W. Breeding.
In honor of Charlotte Nabholz who, with Win Rockefeller, shares a passion for
the music of the Ozarks.
With appreciation, Barbara Satterfield and Patty Montgomery.
In memory of Edwin Luther.
With appreciation for all of your work, Janice Sutton.
In honor of Dr. Catherine Shoults.
From Bill Moss.
In appreciation to Garry and Dee Carter
In honor of the entrepreneurial spirit of the Wakefields and their dedication
to excellence and kindness to community.
With admiration, Lenore Shoults
In memory of Billy Joe Tatum and in honor of Tina Marie Wilcox.
From Rae McKimm, Herb Chair of the Committee of One Hundred.
In tribute to the Committee of One Hundred.
From, Charlotte Davis, former Committee chair.
In honor of Uncle Dave.
With love, nieces Kate Viles and Elizabeth Taylor.
In memory of Roger Kern of Alhambra, California, beloved brother of Darlene Kern
and friend of Lou Anne Tanneberger.
In memory of my grandfather, Absie Morrison.
With love, Delena.
In honor of our father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, Dean Hinesley.
Love, Dwight and Deana Hinesley Moody, Fred and Melissa Gentry, Jesse and Tara Moody,
Zach and Jessica Brewer, and your nine great-grandchildren.
In memory of our mother and grandmother, Gladys Nalezny,
who gave us our passion for baskets and love of hand crafts.
With love and appreciation, Lenore and Catherine Shoults.
In honor of Robert Gillihan.
From Friends of Robert and Mary.
In memory of Joanne Webb
From her children Karl, Andy, Jan, Frances, James, David & Lori.
In honor of Kay Thomas.
With appreciation and love, Harriet Farley, member of the Committee of One Hundred.
In honor of Folk Center musicians.
From, Laura Helms, member of the Committee of One Hundred.
In Memory of our sweet Mother and Grandmother, Jean Jennings.
With love from her Family.
In honor of Mary Gillihan.
Rae McKimm and the Committee of One Hundred.
In memory of Lester and Bess Kelley.
Fondly, Dickie and Judy Bishop.
In memory of Bill Young.
With appreciation for making the Folk Center such a special place, Catherine Shoults.
In memory of our parents and grandparents.
With love, Susan Moody Lemon and Greg Moody.
In Memory of Erstle and Haskell Avey.
Sponsored by The Erstle Avey Family: Brenda Lewis, Stacy Avey and Families.
In memory of Betty Clay Spann.
Condolences from Melody Miller-Standard
In memory of our great-grandmother, the quintessential pioneer woman, Ida Branscum.
With love, from her great-granddaughters, Pam, Connie, and Carrie.
In honor of Judi Munn.
With appreciation, Robin Shea, member of the Committee of One Hundred.
In honor of Glenda Hershberger. Happy Birthday!
Love, Melody Miller-Standard, member of the Committee of One Hundred.
In memory of Guy Gammill.
From his family--Allie, Tim, Paula, Terry, Phyllis, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
In memory of Ardith Yancey.
Vic and Pam Setser
In memory of Granny Opal.
Love, your family.
In support of the Music Roots Program.
Mr. and Mrs. James Williamson
In honor of our father and grandfather, Tommy Simmons, whose legacy continues
to live on through the Ozark Folk Center.
With love, his family.
In memory of Ollie Gilbert.
Love, granddaughter Susan Kemp, member of the Committee of One Hundred.
In honor of Owen Rein and the parents who planted their families in these mountains
which allowed us to grow up surrounded by craft, music, and love.
Catherine Shoults
Supporting Music Roots in memory of Craig Parsons.
Anne and James Nowlin
In memory of Hoover Gilbert, in support of Music Roots.
Janice and Kenneth Sutton
Judge Samuel N. Bird and LeAnne Bird
Lenore and Catherine Shoults
Melody Miller-Standard
Janet Kirch
Chief Justice Kemp's chambers (Kathy, Kathryn, and Nicole)
JoAnne and John Wilson
Virginia and Joel Breeding
Joyce and Douglas Honeycutt
Kathy and Richard White
Philip & Renee Carr
Sheila and Terry McLarty
Jim and Kay Hinkle
Dr. and Mrs. Kenny Wyatt
Stan and Eugenia Brown
Roger and Virginia Parsons
Baylus East
Freda and Harold Lancaster
Kay Roberts
Ann Bridges
Juanita Hinkle
Vic and Pam Setser
Mary Vandiver
Wes and Judy Kent
Dana and Annette Woods
Dave and Melinda Jorn
Harriet Farley
In memory of our Daddy, Jack Thomas.
Love, Cindy, Jackie, Julie, and Catherine.
In honor of Danny Thomas and recognizing his foresight in helping to
preserve traditional Ozark Music.
Janice and Kenneth Sutton
Carl and Kay Adkins
In memory of Mel and Linda Broder.
Thanks for the memories, Folks from Off
In memory of my late husband, Coleman Gammill, who loved and promoted the
Folk Center from its earliest days.
Sue Gammill
In honor of Willi Carlisle for the Music Roots Program.
The Newport (Rhode Island) Festivals Foundation
In recognition of generations of musicians.
With appreciation, Kay Hinkle.
In honor of John Weaver and his support of artisans.
With gratitude for your generosity, Friends from Off.
In honor of Jim Crowell and the master bladesmiths who have kept alive, and advanced, traditions of excellence.
With love from daughters, Kate Crowell Viles and Elizabeth Crowell Taylor.
In memory of “Daddad” Hubert Hinkle, who left a legacy of our love of music.
Granddaughters, Nancy Fowlkes and Virginia Parsons.
In memory of the women in my family who were quilters.
With appreciation for their legacy, Janice Sutton.
In appreciation to Leslie Shafer for her donation.
Her quote: While I now live elsewhere, part of my soul will forever be in these hills.
In memory of Committee of One Hundred member, Ross Hooper.
With appreciation for your support of the Ozark Folk Center, Catherine and Lenore Shoults
In honor of Tina Marie Wilcox.
Jo Anne and John Wilson
In honor of David Mathews and the Ozark Folk Center blacksmiths.
A friend of the Ozark Folk Center Craft Village.
In memory of Conjie Williams.
Carol Kick, member of the Committee of One Hundred
In honor of Jimmy Driftwood and his work forming the Ozark Folk Center.
Baylus East, member of the Committee of One Hundred
In honor of Jerry and Judy Lovenstein.
Friends from Off
In memory of Buddy Lancaster.
The Family of Buddy Lancaster
In memory of Dianne Wilbanks Womack.
Hal and Mary Vandiver
In memory of Ray "Pop" Ramsey.
With love, granddaughter, Melody Miller-Standard
In memory of Erlene Carter's contribution to craft and community.
With appreciation, Lenore Shoults
In memory of our grandfathers who brought us to the Folk Center when we were kids.
Love, Jenn Ballard and Laura Horton
In loving memory of our devoted PaPa, Harlie Dampf.
Lea Rosa Marano, Jeanay Smith Price, and Stan Smith
In memory of Joan Marie Steele Miller and her deep love of music and of Mountain View.
With much love, Diane Newman
In memory of Dr. Bessie Boehm Moore who founded the Committee of One Hundred for the Ozark Folk Center.
With appreciation, Chloe Kirksey, former chair of the Committee of One Hundred
In memory of Jean Speake.
Vic and Pam Setser
In memory of Charles Hughes.
Vic and Pam Setser
In honor of Wes and Judy Kent.
Janice Sutton
Happy Birthday to Pam Setser.
Happy Birthday to Janice and Kenneth Sutton.
Lenore Shoults
In support of the Herb Gardens.
Melody Miller-Standard
In honor of Catherine Shoults.
William D. Moss
In memory of John Wilbanks.
Mary Vandiver
In memory of Beverly Drew.
Lenore Shoults